CEIBS Interview – Part 1
You can sense the German precision surrounding Matthias Schranner. He is tall and as a result of being vegetarian and working out, also very fit. As a negotiation expert, he...
Read moreYou can sense the German precision surrounding Matthias Schranner. He is tall and as a result of being vegetarian and working out, also very fit. As a negotiation expert, he...
Read moreConflict negotiations are an everyday experience for many family businesses and are especially common in those family businesses where there is not a well-developed management infrastructure. Family businesses generally start...
Read moreSchranner Negotiation license has officially been issued. We are looking forward to working with our Dubai team in the future.
Read moreOur institute is built on two pillars: seminars and consulting. COVID19 has and continues to have an extremely negative impact on our seminars. Many of our customers’ further training programs...
Read moreWhat’s going on in the mind of a police officer in the USA during the protests? Following the killing of George Floyd, the population has taken to the streets to...
Read moreAnybody initiating a negotiation and expressing demands during difficult times is often accompanied by a feeling of uneasiness. Is it acceptable in a situation such as the one we’re experiencing...
Read moreAt vero eos et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo nemo enim ad modum, quaeso, interpretaris? sicine eos et fortibus viris commemorandis eorumque factis non fuisse torquem detraxit hosti...
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