Zu meinen LinkedIn Post «Israel & Hamas – How to stop the war» habe ich viele Fragen erhalten. Mit diesem Beitrag möchte ich die Verhandlungssituation erklären. Wie immer bleibe ich...
Read moreZu meinen LinkedIn Post «Israel & Hamas – How to stop the war» habe ich viele Fragen erhalten. Mit diesem Beitrag möchte ich die Verhandlungssituation erklären. Wie immer bleibe ich...
Read moreThe conflict between Israel and Hamas is now in Phase 9, but not for long.For more information regarding Phase 9, please visit this link. In Phase 9, calm returns. All...
Read moreMarital war, trade war, or war with weapons. Those who believe they can win the war with their powerwill not negotiate. As long as all warring parties believe that a...
Read moreThe power struggle continues, the escalation increases, and preparations are made for a war ofannihilation. The other side must be destroyed. We had opened the door to the other side...
Read moreThe means of asserting one’s position are displayed, and one’s power is celebrated. People becomeintoxicated with the tools of war and look forward to the coming power struggle. The other...
Read moreAll the talking and sending of documents was not successful. We must make a clear statement so the other side knows where they stand. Threats are sent with clear consequences...
Read moreThe conflict now also becomes visible to others. Whether family members, colleagues, the supervisory board, or the press – I am approached from various sides about this conflict. At this...
Read moreEnough talk. The other side needs to understand the validity of my position. I don’t care if they don’t want to or can’t understand; it’s time for action. That’s why...
Read moreI elevate my subjective assessment to the level of objective truth. I am sure I am right and I can prove it. Since my negotiating partner is now objectively wrong,...
Read moreI have reached an agreement in both the inner and internal negotiation. I sought advice from supportive individuals, and they backed me. I believe I am in the right position...
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