
May 2, 2022
Matthias Schranner
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Ramstein - The most important turning point so far.

From a negotiating perspective, the meeting at the U.S. Air Base in Ramstein was a masterstroke.

Clear signals were sent that represent a turning point in the conflict to date.

1. The U.S. organized the meeting and, as host, set the agenda.

2. Ramstein is “home territory” of the U.S. and the most important Air Base of the U.S. Army in Europe.

3. 40 countries were invited; NATO countries as well as non-NATO countries, representing an overarching cross-border alliance.

4. Contact groups were set up to exchange information on a weekly basis.

The U.S. watched both the EU and European governments for a long time and then decided to take the lead.

What is interesting is that they did not meet in Brussels, Paris, or Berlin. Rather, Ramstein stands for a military solution.

The choice of words with “contact group” and “coordination” makes the U.S. appear less dominant, and the EU can be involved in a face-saving way.

Following the meeting in Ramstein, the U.S. government submitted a “Request to Congress for Additional Funding to Support Ukraine”. The implementation is now assured with this funding.

The U.S. has taken the lead against Russia. The signals have been sent clearly: a military solution is being sought – as a basis for peace negotiations.

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